I don't usually do review type of posts because I just don't have the readership for it and it's a lot of hard work! It may look easy folks but it's not! Trying to get the right shot and animations to do the clothes justice, etc. can be time consuming and I don't have the best picture taking skills.
Anyway, on to the important stuff .....the clothes. I met Heather Connolly at a club one night and learned that she had a little clothing, shoe and skin store. The store is called .hc&co and she has some really cute things that are very reasonably priced.

The first item that I purchased there were these great pair of jeans. I know, I know everyone has jeans and if you are like me you need another pair of jeans like you need another hole in the head! What I found unique about these jeans and why I purchased them was because they had a little red bird logo on the back pocket. Heather's thing is birds and you will see them decorating her shop. The jeans are only $100L and you can purchase them in ripped or non ripped in a variety of colors.

Look at that butt! You could bounce a quarter off of it and I don't even exercise in SL. Why can't it be the same in RL?

Front shot of the sexy torn jeans and a soon to be released t-shirt that says "Music is my Passion". Music really is one of my passions in RL so I thought it was a cool T to wear..hc&co has a midnight mania board that only takes 50 slaps and a lucky board. I was fortunate enough to have my initial show up and win this cute teal floral dress. If you can't wait for the lucky board, then just pick up the dress in this or other colors for $150L.

Last but not least and my favorite thing of all in the shop is the Dotty top in Violette because purple is my favorite color. I even had someone ask me in another store where I got this top at. This top is in her Midnight Mania board but in pink...did I mention it only takes 50 slaps to win the top!

So what are you waiting for? Catch this slurl here and check this place out! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Arame/24/26/37Other items worn: FreeSpeerit Kimberly and Belleza Belle skins. Dernier Cri Kim, Fascino Lico and Foam The Drifter hair.