The first time I put on some cute little hot pant shorts, I thought my avatar was too big in a certain area and I tried to make adjustments. That didn't work and then I noticed on various fashion blogs that the SL camel toe is a pretty common thing when wearing hot pants, lingerie, underwear or bikinis.
I guess my whole point to this is "Why?" It looks so unflattering in RL and it looks just as bad in SL. I mean come on! If you take a look at the SL pic I am putting up, that just looks like it would be very painful!
Just to do a comparison of camel toes, I took a picture of an acutal camel toe and an SL avatar camel toe. You all are just lucky that I did not post a picture of an actual RL camel toe and not the one that comes from the animal either!

Me and a couple of camels discussing our toes.

The real camel toe!

The SL camel toe! Ouch! This picture may not do it justice.
I can't even believe you posted this because it's the best topic EVAH ! And it's not just with thongs.
I have pants in SL that do this to me and it makes me so mad. I growl and go into my apperance. NOPE no camel toe slider, what do I do now to solve this?
Thank you for this important article. I'm hoping to hear a solution because I have two outfits I'd love to wear but I can't, no matter how loose I make the crotch of the pants I still have camel toe, only it's lower. It's like it's on the texture ewwww
I am so glad that you enjoyed! I like making people laugh!
My eyes are watering from laughing. At least you don't have to decide where your "package" should be set - somewhere between a "coin purse" and a "duffel bag"!! :D
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